Maddog είπε:Υπάρχει ένα πολύ ωραίο workaround για "συνεργατική" αγορά.![]()
Οπότε το μόνο που έχεις να κάνεις είναι να αναγκάσεις την kambia να βρει άλλα τρία.![]()
Αληθευει η φημη οτι οι Doctorες μαζι με το πτυχιο που πιστοποιει την ικανοτητα να γιατρευουν αρρωστουςD@redevil είπε:Α, πολύ ωραία! Βρήκαμε καινούριο τρόπο για να ξεπαραδιάσουμε
Very disappointed in GOG, the game download website. They have been selling my Dark Fall games and refuse to acknowledge me as the creator and copyright owner.
I still own the copyright on games called 'Dark Fall', but they insist some crooks called Nordic Games own them. Nordic say they bought them from Dreamcatcher, which simply isn't true. Dreamcatcher were issued a Cease and Desist years ago! Also, Nordic and GOG have failed to pay any royalties or provide sales figures.
It's very depressing. And, if I can't get paid what I am due, for my work, there is no point making games. It's a real shame, but I'm not sure I want to go through all this every time I make a game. It is soul destroying and makes me feel like I have wasted my time and provided plenty if cash for greedy suits with no morals or honesty.
If you have bought my games from GOG (Dark Fall retails at $5.99!!!) then I am sorry to report that not a cent actually made it to me; the only person credited in making the games.
Δεν συμφωνω με το ύφος του, κυριώς γιατι μου ζητάει να τον λυπηθώ και εμμέσως να του δώσω λεφτα για κατι που ναι μέν εφτιαξε, αλλα δέν παράγει ουτε διανεμει, και αν το κάνει δέν το κανει αποτελεσματικά. Αν έχει πρόβλημα με την GOG, να πάρει την νομική οδό μιας και επέλεξε να ακολουθίσει την καπιταλιστική οδο και να βγάλει λεφτα φτιαχνοντας παιχνίδια.Very disappointed in GOG, the game download website. They have been selling my Dark Fall games and refuse to acknowledge me as the creator and copyright owner.
I still own the copyright on games called 'Dark Fall', but they insist some crooks called Nordic Games own them. Nordic say they bought them from Dreamcatcher, which simply isn't true. Dreamcatcher were issued a Cease and Desist years ago! Also, Nordic and GOG have failed to pay any royalties or provide sales figures.
It's very depressing. And, if I can't get paid what I am due, for my work, there is no point making games. It's a real shame, but I'm not sure I want to go through all this every time I make a game. It is soul destroying and makes me feel like I have wasted my time and provided plenty if cash for greedy suits with no morals or honesty.
If you have bought my games from GOG (Dark Fall retails at $5.99!!!) then I am sorry to report that not a cent actually made it to me; the only person credited in making the games.
Εγώ πάλι δεν καταλαβαίνω αυτό που έχω σε bold.I still own the copyright on games called 'Dark Fall', but they insist some crooks called Nordic Games own them. Nordic say they bought them from Dreamcatcher, which simply isn't true. Dreamcatcher were issued a Cease and Desist years ago! Also, Nordic and GOG have failed to pay any royalties or provide sales figures.