Two of the major rumours going round prior to the announcement of next-gen consoles – obviously weʼre still waiting to see what Microsoft does – is that always online connections are required and second-hand games would be blocked. Now the PS4 announcement shows neither of those to be true, were either of those avenues ever explored?
Well first of all, we havenʼt stated that second-hand games… we havenʼt made a statement on the second-hand games question. There was a lot of reaction to a patent that was filed, which is a matter of course for a technology business like us, to file various patents at various times, many of which many never see any application but they are good to have depending on ideas that might be building.
So what weʼre here to do is offer the best value and the best gaming experience for gamers. The answer to the pre-owned question isnʼt clarified just yet and weʼre working through that and weʼll announce our position in more detail as and when we can.
Για να αποφεύγουν να απαντήσουν και να μην είναι ξεκάθαροι πάει να πει ότι ψάχνουν τρόπο να το σερβίρουν χωρίς να φανεί πολύ κακό για τους gamers, ότι είναι αυτό που έχουν βάλει σκοπό να κάνουν. Αν δεν είχαν σκοπό να κάνουν κάποια κίνηση για τα μεταχειρησμένα θα το λέγαν ξεκάθαρα αφού θα ήταν ένα συν για για την κονσόλα τους.Wally είπε:Χμμμ...σκοτεινα τα πραγματα για τα μεταχειρισμενα και στο στρατοπεδο της Sony
αν είναι στο χέρι των publishers ελπίζω να γίνει το αντίστοιχο με το region locking στο ps3,να μην εφαρμοσθεί σχεδόν από κανέναmetalcandyman είπε:Αυτο που ειπαν απο την sony μετα την παρουσιαση οτι θα παιζουν κανονικα τα μεταχειρισμενα ηταν οπως φαινεται για να μην υποσκιασει κατι τηνεκδηλωση γιατι αργοτερα η απαντηση που εδωσαν ηταν οτι ειναι στο χερι των publishers για το αν γιννει αυτο αφηνοντας ουσιαστικα ορθανοιχτο το συγκεκριμενο θεμα.Επισης ακουγεται οτι ισως βαλουν κατι στα πρωτυπα του online pass ακομα και αν θελουμε απλα να παιξουμε offline ενα παιχνιδι.Γενικοτερα παντως αφου δεν βγηκε καποιος να πει ορθα κοφτα οτι το ps4 ειναι δεδομενο οτι θα παιζει μεταχειρισμενα βρομα η δουλεια.
Επανήλθες άσωτε υιέ εις τον δρόμο της αρετής. (Πάω να παίξω και ένα Eye of the Beholder, για να πικάρω τους console lovers, με την απουσία backwards compatibilityΩραία. Ήδη έχω on-line το gaming pc μου και πριν λίγο μέτραγα κάτι fps που νόμιζα ότι κάποιος μου κάνει πλάκα.
Θα σκάσωωωωω!!!!!! Ναι, να δεις!!!!!!!!!!
Χα χα, ναι ρε συ αλλά παράλληλα με τις κονσόλες πια! Να φανταστείς έπαιζα Skyrim πριν με άπειρα mods πάνω (ένα αριστούργημα που καμιά κονσόλα δεν θα ονειρευόταν να φτάσει) αλλά με τον controller του 360! Καλόμαθα αραχτός τόσο καιρό!Captain Kal είπε:Επανήλθες άσωτε υιέ εις τον δρόμο της αρετής. (Πάω να παίξω και ένα Eye of the Beholder, για να πικάρω τους console lovers, με την απουσία backwards compatibility)
Περιμένει και αυτό στην ουρά!!!!Αν θες να φτιαχτείς δοκίμασε το "Legend of Grimrock" θυμίζει πολύ το gameplay του EOB.!!!!!
- They don't use HSA (I THINK) but their own optimizations because AMD wasn't ready or something? But they are using OpenGL to the point of "full access to the hardware."
It's not saying 'it doesn't use HSA'. It's saying it doesn't 'just' use off-the-shelf HSA stuff.
- They mention having to drop BC as being a necessary evil to make sure devs will be happy going forward.
- They used what they learned from the Cell to make a powerful console. The did this by having to modify the GPU, etc (via ACE for proper compute processing).
- He also talks about 4k gaming, and he said they are focusing on 1080p, but he did say that they can, for example, put the OS UI in 4k, but render the game in 1080p.
- With that, he says they'd like to save as many resources as possible to ensure that 1080p because having the 4k UI alone will take 10 GB/s.
A correction was made to the article saying that the drive can read CD's--the system just won't support playback of music CD's.
- He also mentions the custom on CPU chip and monitors all I/O systems (confirms ARM TrustZone).
- Mentions background downloads and smaller initial sizes and play while downloading.
- He mentions using BD and Hard drive combo for game reads and how to cut down load times.
- Cerny also discusses the dedicated audio and video compression/decompression hardware for sharing videos and vita remote play.
- The Android/iOS Playstation App lets you access all things Playstation. Store, game info, etc.
- Regarding adding Vita remote play: "almost no overhead, without pain whatsoever, you will be able to Remote Play a game of PS4."
- So basically all PS4 games can be played on Vita EXCEPT those who use controller tracking or Move with the PS Eye.
- They also talk about off-TV play.
- Not all features will be there day one, but they will try to support everything they are planing going forward.
- Also, OS is BSD, so they can make full use of multi-tasking.
Couple of other tidbits:
the article was at one point corrected to distinguish between a lack of general CD support and a lack of music CD support, with some mention of 'game compatibility' - so maybe PSone discs wil be playable..?
Cerny says the OS is BSD-based. To support rich multitasking. I'm not really sure of the significance of the 'BSD-based' comment, or how much of its BSD roots will be exposed to the consumer, but Cerny says it's the first time they used that approach in a games machine.
The idea of a secondary chip for low-power-state usage started to be talked about in 2009. European regulations around power consumption were part of the motivation. Targeted to be the “central device in the living room”- “Core gamers are our primary audience- PS4 build around them, salable to the outsiders
- 5 core PS4 principles: Simple, Immediate, Social, Integrated, Personalized
- PS4 CPU: 64-bit x86 arch, low power consumption, low heat, 8 cores, 8 HW threads, 2MiB L2 cache per 4 core group, 32kib l1 I/D-cache
- PlayStation Shader Language, very similar to HLSL, allows featured BEYOND Direct X 11 and OpenGL 4.0
- “GPU – Tessellation – adding geometric detail to smooth edges or create more organic shapes”
- PS4 RAM – 8GB 256 bit GDDR5 (GDDR5 is very high end graphics memory only found on PC graphics cards)
- Will come with “very large hard drive in every console”
- PS4 Dev Environment – Windows 7-bit, tools are fully integrated into Visual Studio 2010 and 2012
- “Debug your PS4 code as you would your PC code”
- PS4 Controller: Start/Select buttons are now “Options.” New System button is “Share.”
- Speaker, headset hack and “extension port” on the PS4 controller
- PS4 controller buttons are going back to digital over analog because no one used it on PS3
- PS4 controller L2/R2 – Curved design to get rid of the accidental netflix fast forwarding
- PS4 controller: 1920Χ900 resolution on the analog touchpad
- PS4 controller colors are the Player Numbers: 1-Blue, 2-Red, 3-Green, 4-Pink (Like the buttons)
- PS4 will charge controllers when itʼs off. Unlike the PS3.
- PS4 controller light bar can be used for muzzle flashes, health bars, etc
- “The #PS4 Eye will enhance the PS4 user experience.” High sensitivity dual color cameras – 1280Χ800, 12 bits/pixel, 60Hz
- Dedicated port for the #PS4 camera, exclusive SCE Connector. Means it wonʼt use a USB port on the console, but wonʼt plug into your PC.
- Cam suggested uses: walkthrough vids, taunting in killcam, login, speech recognition, etc; possible PS4 Camera Magic – Sees the controller, you guys move, splitscreen moves to be on the right side
- The above is what devs could do (not mandatory)
- Video example shown of PS4 combining the camera and the controller. “AR Menu”
- Zoom into the controller, tilt to shake little dudes inside, push into our world like EyePet
- 2004: XMB, 2011: LiveArea, 2013: New #PS4 one based on the five principles from earlier
- UI is meant to give you at a glance info without loading the game. See what new DLC is out and whatnot. What friends are saying.
- Have to enable people seeing your real name on the #PS4. Auto-enabled if you import from another social network. (Can be turned off)
- PSN friend limit raised
- PS4 Mock-up: Heavy Rain choice with the number of your friends that chose each option.
- All the PS4 streaming and sharing: thatʼs on the hardware. Devs donʼt have to do anything special to their game.
- PS4 Remote Play: Screens are mirrored on PS4/Vita (Both on at same time). Hardware does it/not on devs. Start at any time; no special mode.
- Talking about the PlayStation App. Login, buy game, PS4 starts downloading at home, you get home and start playing the part thatʼs DWLD.